River Along Back Road Guilford to Abbot

River Along Back Road Guilford to Abbot

“At the Bangor House we took in four men bound on a hunting excursion, one of the men going as cook." "Their leader was a handsome man about thirty years old, of good height, but not apparently robust, of gentlemanly address and faultless toilet; such a one as you might expect to meet on Broadway.”

“In the spring, he had saved a stage-driver and two passengers from drowning in the back water of the Piscataquis in Foxcroft on this road, having swum ashore in the freezing water and made a raft and got them off,–though the horses were drowned,–at great risk to himself, while the only other man who could swim withdrew to the nearest house to prevent freezing. He could now ride over this road for nothing.”

—Henry David Thoreau, “1857 Allegash and East Branch”, The Maine Woods